

Each student is responsible for knowing all regulations governing the curriculum and course registration, and is responsible for planning a course of study in accordance with those regulations and the requirements for the degree.


  • 至少128学分的学术工作. (参见学位限制.)
  • 累积平均绩点2.所有机构工作(包括澳门葡京博彩软件海外项目和五所学院交换项目)0.
  • 完成一个专业.
  • Satisfactory (C– or better) completion of a writing-intensive course during the first year of enrollment.
  • 四个学期的学术工作, 至少完成64个学分, 在北安普顿澳门葡京博彩软件的学术宿舍. 其中两个学期必须在大三或大四期间完成.
  • Bachelor of Arts: completion of 64 credits of academic work outside the department of the major (64 -信用规则).
  • Bachelor of Science: additional requirements for the bachelor of science degree are listed in the 澳门葡京博彩软件课程目录 (在“工程”下),并在 Picker工程项目网站.



  • 运动与体育研究(ESS):最多4个学分
  • 音乐(MUS):最多24学分
  • 舞蹈(DAN):非舞蹈专业最多12学分,舞蹈专业最多20学分

课程 completed beyond these limits are listed on the transcript but are not counted towards the degree.

A maximum of 16 credits of optional Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grades may be counted toward the degree.


A maximum of 12 approved summer school credits and a maximum of 12 approved 小学期 credits at Smith or elsewhere may be applied to the degree, 总学分最多32学分的合并夏季, 小学期, AP和其他预科学分.


通过Workday完成学位要求(高级认证). Second-semester seniors will be prompted to begin the process of certification by the registrar’s office. 主要和次要要求将由各自的顾问证明. The 64-credit rule will be certified by the registrar’s office and confirmed by the major adviser(s). 拉丁文荣誉将由注册办公室审查.

学生和指导老师应复习 学业进度报告,顾问应根据需要提交对要求的修改. 认证前, all requirements must appear as Satisfied or In Progress; no requirements should be outstanding.


Each year approximately 25 percent of the graduating class is awarded the Bachelor of Arts or Science degree with 拉丁荣誉 (cum laude, 优等生, (或最优等成绩)和/或部门荣誉. 拉丁荣誉授予符合资格要求的应届毕业生:

1. 完成七个知识领域的分布要求
2. 在二、三、四年级完成48个学分.
3. 满足毕业班最低拉丁荣誉GPA(未公布或披露).

如果你想在毕业时获得拉丁荣誉, you must elect at least one course (normally 4 credits) in each of the seven major fields of knowledge:

  • 艺术{}
  • 外语* {F}
  • 文献{1}
  • 历史研究{H}
  • 数学与分析哲学{M}
  • 自然科学{N}
  • 社会科学{S}

并非所有澳门葡京博彩软件的课程都有拉丁文荣誉称号. 任何特定的四学分课程都只能涵盖一个领域的知识. Partial credit courses completed at Smith or through transfer may be combined with other courses in the same field for a total of at least 4 credits to satisfy distribution requirements. 为了满足分配要求,一门课程只能使用一次.

*One year of an introductory language course or one course at a higher level satisfies the foreign language Latin honors requirement. 非英语为母语的学生可以, 但要征得班主任的同意, take any two courses in the English department at the 100-level (or one course at a higher level) to satisfy the foreign language Latin honors requirement. Non-native speakers of English are considered to be those who indicated on their advising form that English was not their first language, have had several years of education in a school where the language of instruction was other than English, 还能阅读, 写和说这种语言.

  • All 澳门葡京博彩软件 courses totaling 4 credits or more with a 拉丁荣誉 designation taken in any year (including the first year).
  • All 澳门葡京博彩软件 courses less than 4 credits with a 拉丁荣誉 designation taken in any year (including the first year). 必须在每个拉丁荣誉指定中完成总共4个学分才能获得指定.
  • Five College, transfer and non-Smith study abroad courses with approval from the registrar's office. 发送课程描述和要求的拉丁荣誉指定到 registrar@fpmfy.com
  • A Smith special studies course with approval of the department and Subcommittee on Honors and Independent 项目 (SHIP). 指定必须作为特殊研究申请的一部分.

  • 大学先修课程考试
  • a - level考试
  • 国际文凭(IB)考试
  • 预科课程(高中期间修过的大学课程)

为了有资格获得拉丁文荣誉, 你必须至少有48个学分(非S/U), 非转学),在你的第一年后(i.e.(二年级、三年级和四年级). 如果你在大二的时候, 初级, 或大四离开校园(澳门葡京博彩软件JYA或华盛顿项目除外), 余下两年的成绩也算在内. Grades from the first year are never counted in the 拉丁文 although courses taken in the first-year can be used to fulfill 拉丁荣誉 designations.

The minimum grade point average for 拉丁荣誉 varies each year depending on the overall grade distribution of those eligible in the senior class and is not published or disclosed. 提前确定最低GPA是不可能的. 拉丁荣誉GPA是在入学第一年后使用符合条件的成绩计算的. 转校生和阿达·康斯托克澳门葡京博彩软件, 拉丁荣誉GPA和累积GPA是一样的.

  • 学院成绩
  • 澳门葡京博彩软件JYA等级
  • 史密森计划等级
  • 选拔计划成绩
  • 五门学院交换课程(仅在学期内修读), 不是在期中或夏季)

  • 一年级的成绩,甚至是澳门葡京博彩软件的成绩
  • 包括夏季在内的各种转学成绩
  • 非澳门葡京博彩软件JYA项目的留学成绩
  • 所有S/U或P/F职系*

*课程 successfully completed during the first year or with grades of S/U or P/F may be used to satisfy the distribution requirements but are not calculated in the GPA and therefore do not count in the minimum 48 graded credits need to be considered for Latin honors.

拉丁文荣誉课程的完成情况可以在 工作日的学业进展. 报告显示需求是满足、未满足还是正在进行中.
Note that the courses used to fulfill requirements are not the only courses used to calculate the 拉丁文 (see Grades above).

A notation of "Liberal Arts Commendation" will be added to the transcript of any student who completes the distribution requirements but is not awarded Latin honors.

学生 must complete the Latin honors distribution requirements in order to be considered for election to Phi Beta Kappa.


If you wish to complete part or all of your senior year away from campus on a Smith or non-Smith program or at another undergraduate institution, 你必须向行政委员会请愿. The petition must include a plan for the satisfactory completion of the major and degree requirements (including residency) and must have the approval of the department of the major. The petition must be filed in the Office of the 类院长 by the deadline to request approval for off-campus study.

如果你在最后一个学期在校外学习, you will not be awarded your degree or diploma until the Office of the 注册商 receives a final official transcript and confirms completion of the degree requirements.


澳门葡京博彩软件的文凭上印有毕业生的姓名、学位和毕业荣誉. 专业不会出现在文凭上,除非毕业生被授予部门荣誉. 文凭上有学院印章,并由学院院长单独签名.

在你大四的时候, 注册办公室将与您联系以确认文凭名称的拼写.

文凭的官方翻译从拉丁语到英语可以通过联系获得 registrar@fpmfy.com